Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The MediFAST diet

Many of you might not have heard of the Medifast Diet. Well as i have discovered the name can mean one of two things. Either A. You loose weight FAST or B. you feel as if you're FASTing! I heard about the diet through my family who has been using it and lost a very significant amount of weight in a very short time. So i decided to try it. Lets just say I am weak. I have not broken off the diet (even when my husband tried to shove a reeses in my face) this includes no SODA! AHHHH!!! This has proven quite difficult because i live off of caffeine but honestly i i can do it anyone can lol The basic principles of this diet are low carbs high protein. Its a variety of prepacked dehydrated food that is tasteless to say the least. As I sit here i am drinking water and eating one of the S'mores crunch bars which i will admit are pretty good. The idea is eating many small meals, this morning instead of skipping breakfast i had the prepackaged oatmeal with a little added cinnamon then a couple hours later i had a dutch chocolate shake for lunch i had chili... (cat food? the jury is still out on that one) then i had the s'mores bar i am currently eating. You get one lean and green meal a day which could be a small piece of meat and a salad. Then at night you get a choice between a shake and their pudding. Which actually isn't bad either. This is still my first day, the book that comes with the food explains that you will feel more tired then usual because your body will have to adjust to functioning on lower calories, which is true. I will keep you posted on the results of this diet. My family members have lost 14 pounds in two weeks to 50 pounds in two months! so we will see!!!!


  1. But what happens when you go back to eating normal food even in good portion sizes. Will your body gain it right back since you wont be cutting things so low? Is this something you can do forever as a life style? I think that is the thing for me. It needs to be a lifestyle change so that i can work my life around it and feel that i am living and not starving.

  2. There is a book that comes with the diet basically it is retraining the way tyou think about food. Half the book is focused on transitioning back to "normal" life and healthy choices. You eat real food. They say the first few days are the hardest. But then your body adjusts. Its a lifestyle change.
